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According to Sanskrit, which is an ancient classical language in India, karma means ‘action’, it can also be defined as a cycle of causes and effects (Brown, 2017, para. 9). Lord Buddha discovered the theory that everything people do, creates consequences which in theory is like the popular saying “what goes around, comes back around”, regardless of whether it is good or bad (Stories, 2020). Bad karma is “negative actions that harm another living being, and lead to negative consequences for the actor and good karma is positive actions that benefit others and lead to positive outcomes for the actor” (Allen, Edwards and McCullough, 2015, para. 13). Therefore, there is both good and bad karma. The concept of karma may be believed by one whilst it might not be believed by another as it is sociological.


Therefore, my project intends to discover how the concept of karma is expressed from the perspective of popular imagination who profess a belief in the concept of "karma". Participants of this project express karma relating to scenarios that happened during their everyday life. Let's take a tour of how I built this project from scratch. To view the final project before going deep into my research click here.








Allen, P., Edwards, J. and McCullough, W. (2015) Does Karma Exist?: Buddhism, Social Cognition, and the Evidence for Karma, The International Journal for the Psychology of Religion, 25(1), pp. 1-17, [online] Available at: (Accessed 4
May 2021).


Brown, L. (2017) Here's a great explanation of what karma really means and how it can improve your life, Ideapod, [online] Available at: (Accessed 4 May 2021).


Stories, M. (2020) Law of Karma in Buddhism : Understanding the basic, [online] Available at: (Accessed 4 March 2021).




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